Written by Michelle Merrill
So this is the most recent book that I have finished reading...

Let me tell you a bit about this book.
Kate a senior in Highschool suffers from cystic fibrosis. The quote at the very begining of this book basically was an inspiration to me; "We are all human beings, but if we don't learn to be, we can never become." This was an inspiration to me because it brouhgt to light the things that I need to do to become the best I can be.
So I will try to not spoil the book for you readers, but Be Warned! Spoilers may be ahead.
So now that you have been told, I get started. I loved this book for many reasons, but one of the main reasons was because it wasn't all based around romance, but it brought forth a new perspective, on the subject of friendship. Kate has been pushing aside people for many years, all because her old friends rejected her because she had an uncureable disease. But she found some trusting friends later on in the book that accepted her and stayed by her side.
Michelle Merill really informs the reader about cystic fibrosis while keeping it entertaining and pleasant, because lets face it, death isn't usually a pleasant topic.
I want to thank all the people who recommended me this book to read! I would recommend this book to teens and above.
THANKS FOR READING! Comment what you think, or if you might read it.
~Books are Diamonds!