Hey Guys! So I just finished reading the 2nd book of the Pegasus books (
Pegasus: Olympus at War) by Kate O'Hearn. I will tell you a breif summary of both books, inculding why I liked these first 2 books in the series so far.
Book #1
Pegasus: The Flame of Olympus
Olympus is an mythical Greek legend that holds all Olympians. Emily, an ordinary girl from New York City, doesn't believe in myths, certainly not Olympus, but that all changes when Pegasus lands on top of Emily's building, because of injuries that brought him down. Emily goes on an amazing journey with Pegasus, Joel, Diana, and her father to find a girl who is the Flame of Olympus to save Olympus from the invaders who are destroying it. Along the way she and her friends become captured by the CRU and are tortured for information. After escaping they final arrive at Olympus to save it.
Book 1 |
Book #2
Pegasus: Olympus at War
Upon becoming the Flame of Olympus, Emily struggles to control her powers coming from within. Frustrated about not being able to have rescued her father from the CRU in the previous book she decides to go rescue him. Along the way a hide away Olympian causes trouble and yet manages to help them pull through. Battles are fought, kidnappings take place, and the life of Jupiter at stake, makes this story exciting. It all all works out in the end. (I will post a separate post for the second book later)
Summary of both stories:
I liked this book because of the authors writing style. Kate O'Hearn draws in readers by using suspense and creating memorable characters that will steal your heart and mind. These characters will grow on you and leave you wanting more!! Overall I thought these two books were amazing! The creativity of the books just blows me away. I would seriously recommend this series to anyone! Especially anyone you read the Percy Jackson series and loved it!
Comment down below if you are a Percy Jackson fan and/or if you read this book series (or thinking about reading it). Thanks for reading my blog!